Shaffer's Rock, Pond Bank, and Pole Steeple

Type of climbing: Bouldering, Single Pitch Trad, and Top-roping

Land ownership and management: PA State Forest Lands - DCNR: Michaux State Forest

SCPC Ambassador: Brian Martin, John Ulizio, and John Becker

Ambassador contact: brian@scpclimbers.org, john.u@scpclimbers.org, and becker@scpclimbers.org

Additional Information: Michaux State Forest is located in the South Mountain Range in South Central PA. Michaux offers several areas, different styles of climbing, and a variety of rock types. Go to DCNR's website for more information regarding Michaux State Forest. LINK

Shaffer's Rock (a.k.a. The Hermitage)

Location: Swift Run Rd, South Mountain, PA

Current Access: Open for public access. Hunting is allowed in state forest land, so be aware of hunting seasons and wear orange to stay safe.

Pond Bank (white and brown Rocks)

Location: White Rock Rd, Pond Bank, PA

Current Access: CURRENTLY ACCESS SENSITIVE. THE PARKING HAS BEEN BLOCKED AND TRESPASSING CAN CAUSE MORE POTENTIAL ISSUES. If you do end up visiting Pond Bank, drive further up the road past the original parking (blocked), ensure your vehicle is off the road, and try to avoid trespassing on the private land by traveling close to the cliff which is owned by Michaux.

Since 2019, SCPC has been working with Michaux State Forest, the local Water Authority, and Private landowners to work towards a common goal to improve parking and the access trail. SCPC will provide updates as we progress towards improving the conditions of this great resource for the public. Thank you. (update added on 12/25/21.)

Pole Steeple

Top-roping and some single pitch traditional climbing. Open access from the Pole Steeple Trailhead in Pine Grove Furnace State Park and the cliff is owned and managed by Michaux State Forest.

Additional Information: There are many bouldering areas and opportunities within the forest as well. Some of these areas include Hammonds Rocks, Purgatory Rocks, and more. Tumbling Run Game Preserve is a privately owned hunting preserve and the bouldering and hiking on that land are posted No Trespassing (please respect the closure and SCPC will continue to work on opening access here).